A resource for those who live and work in the West Davis County area. Our goal is to represent and assist West Davis businesses grow and develop in the area. We seek to represent every business as a rising tide lifts all ships. As the communities of Syracuse, Clinton, Clearfield, West Point and Sunset continue to experience unprecedented growth, the need for an organizing entity to represent each of our needs is more important than ever. We would love for you to join us.
New meetings coming soon!

A good Chamber of Commerce is made up of amazing businesses but the key to being great is the participating people. Come join this elite group of businesses and help our business culture thrive! By joining the chamber, your logo will appear in our directory. You may click on the logos to be taken to each businesses website.
Our goal as a chamber is to provide services at a great rate. Come join us FREE for a meeting or two to see if you want to join. If you are ready to join, click below. If you are a start up business with a tight budget, you can also pay monthly at $10 a month.
Annual Brick and Mortar Business
Annual Membership for a business which has a physical store or office.
Monthly Membership Brick and Mortar Payment
To make things easy to join, you can pay just $10 a month in membership dues and still be a full member of the chamber. We will just automatically charge your card each month. We will contact you after placing your order to place you on a monthly plan where we charge your card automatically each month.
For More information or questions, feel free to contact us:
Keeth Kennington (A Insurance) - Director/ President .............................................801-726-8889
Board Members
Ryan Rentmeister (Rentmeister Home Services) ......................................................801-807-9901
Terry Palmer (Quality Home Rentals, LLC) ..................................................................801-698-3534
Mike McBride (Glen Eagle Golf Course) -- Treasurer ................................................801-725-1548
Lisa Bingham (Syracuse City Council, Sterling's S-Point) ........................................801-725-2300
Marie Dougherty (Clinton City Council) ......................................................................801-784-0334
Ryan Spelts (Connection Media Co.) ...........................................................................801-721-3762
Emily Miller (Community Events Specialist for West Point City)
Jason Anderson (Zion's Bank)
Cory Hardman (Focused Connection) -- Social Media Specialist ..........................801-513-3065
Keeth Kennington (A Insurance) - Director/ President .............................................801-726-8889
Board Members
Ryan Rentmeister (Rentmeister Home Services) ......................................................801-807-9901
Terry Palmer (Quality Home Rentals, LLC) ..................................................................801-698-3534
Mike McBride (Glen Eagle Golf Course) -- Treasurer ................................................801-725-1548
Lisa Bingham (Syracuse City Council, Sterling's S-Point) ........................................801-725-2300
Marie Dougherty (Clinton City Council) ......................................................................801-784-0334
Ryan Spelts (Connection Media Co.) ...........................................................................801-721-3762
Emily Miller (Community Events Specialist for West Point City)
Jason Anderson (Zion's Bank)
Cory Hardman (Focused Connection) -- Social Media Specialist ..........................801-513-3065